“Review of Kerrin McCadden’s American Wake" at Green Mountains Review.
“Filling the Void: Bruce K. Alexander on How Our Culture is Making Us Addicted,” a long-form interview in The Sun magazine.
“Artist Statement,” autobiographical essay in Artful Dodge, Number 54/55.
“Review of Karla Van Vliet’s Fragments: From the Lost Book of the Bird Spirit” at Green Mountains Review.
"Solitude & Solidarity: Creative Artists Need 'Em Both" on the Brevity Blog.
"Deep Green Forces: An Interview with Derrick Jensen" at Terrain Magazine.
Jari Chevalier's series of 42 audio Living Hero interviews and long-form audio essays have been aired on community radio stations WGDR and WGDH in Vermont and have been featured by many blogs and websites. The series is archived, along with a project description and host biography covering this work at
Her work in nonfiction has been supported by The Puffin Foundation, Vermont Studio Center, and The Center for Documentary Studies at Duke University.
Two audio feature programs: "The Unreal World of Narcissists and Sociopaths" and "Trips Beyond Addiction" available for listening on
Essay: "Codes of My Kin" at Reality Sandwich
Interview with artist Hella Berent
Art reviews: